
作者:叶翠 李哲青 温嘉权 邓杰文 廖展浩 马明辉
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Research on HVAC cooling load calculation method of airport terminals: A case study of hub airport terminal in hot summer and warm winter zone of China
Ye Cui Li Zheqing Wen Jiaquan Deng Jiewen Liao Zhanhao Ma Minghui
(Engineering Construction Headquarters of Guangdong Airport Authority Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Co., Ltd. Tsinghua University Guangzhou Latitude Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: As an important transportation hub, the airport terminal has the key characteristics of large building volume, complex functions and high requirements for indoor environment construction, causing the challenge of the optimization design of HVAC and energy saving targets. For the newly built airport terminals, accurate calculation of cooling load in the design stage is important to realize the optimal design and efficient operation of HVAC. This paper takes a newly built hub airport terminal in hot summer and warm winter zone of China as an example, conducts in-depth research and case analysis from the aspects of design parameter selection, load calculation method and key link of reducing cooling load, aiming to provide suggestions for the optimization design of HVACs for other transportation hub buildings, and promote the energy conservation and emission reduction work of transportation hub buildings.
Keywords: airport terminal; HVAC system; design parameter; load calculation; energy saving and optimization;
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