
作者:李伟伦 李嘉雯 陈戎 姚震 杨艳亮 顼春红 李琳 田宇 郭亚军 李宁
单位:融创物业服务集团有限公司 2022年第19届亚运会组委会场馆建设部
作者简介:李伟伦,男,1976年生,硕士研究生,工程中心总经理;*李嘉雯(通信作者)300000天津市南开区奥城商业广场A4写字楼5层,E-mail:lijw40@sunacwy.com.cn; 收稿日期:2022-09-07
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Optimization of operation scheme of ice cool storage system in a large and medium-sized comprehensive gymnasium
Li Weilun Li Jiawen Chen Rong Yao Zhen Yang Yanliang Xu Chunhong Li Lin Tian Yu Guo Yajun Li Ning
(Sunac Service Group Limited Venues Department,HAGOC)
Abstract: Taking a large and medium-sized comprehensive gymnasium in Hangzhou as an example, the optimization of the operation strategy of the ice cool storage air conditioning system is discussed. The operation strategies of the ice cool storage system under 85%, 75%, 50% and 25% load rates are studied, and the operating costs of the traditional chiller priority control strategy and optimal operation strategy are compared. The results show that the optimal operation strategy under different load rates can achieve the effect of “peak load shifting”, and save 20%, 22%, 27% and 21% of the daily operating costs, respectively. The feasibility and effectiveness of the optimized operation strategy are verified, which provides a basis for the application of the ice cool storage system to comprehensive gymnasium.
Keywords: gymnasium; ice cool storage system; control strategy optimization; load rate; peak load shifting; economic analysis;
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