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Development statuses and research prospects of PEDF (photovoltaics, energy storage, direct current and flexibility) building energy systems
Liu Xiaohua Zhang Tao Liu Xiaochen Jiang Yi
(Tsinghua University)
Abstract: PEDF(photovoltaics, energy storage, direct current and flexibility) is a kind of novel building energy system towards carbon neutrality. It is an important technical path to realize building energy system innovation under the goal of carbon neutrality. In this paper, the basic understanding of the construction of the key links is put forward, where it should make full use of its own surface resources in the utilization of building photovoltaic, and distinguish according to the building type. It is necessary to re-understand all kinds of resources that can be regarded as energy storage in buildings and tap the potential of energy storage in buildings, and to set up DC power distribution system according to requirements and realize effective system flexibility adjustment. The existing cases of PEDF buildings are briefly introduced, and the future research is prospected, in order to provide references for further research and exploration of the PEDF buildings.
Keywords: PEDF(photovoltaics,energy storage,direct current and flexibility); system construction; building equivalent energy storage; building flexibility; research prospect;
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