
作者:胡志儒 杨奇志 谭志军 王勇 杨博强
单位:重庆大学 重庆大学建筑规划设计研究总院有限公司
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Research review on cooling systems in large-scale pig farms
Hu Zhiru Yang Qizhi Tan Zhijun Wang Yong Yang Boqiang
(Chongqing University General Research Institute of Architecture & Planning Design Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing University)
Abstract: Aiming at a series of problems brought by the large-scale modern breeding mode, the cooling systems of the pig farm are reviewed from the cold source type, the end treatment type and the ventilation type. The economy and operational reliability of common cold sources in livestock breeding are analysed, and the feasibility of artificial cold sources in large-scale pig farms is pointed out. The cooling principle and cooling effect of common end treatment types are explained. The control ability of common end treatment types on the humidity in the pig house is compared, and it is pointed out that the effective way for large-scale pig farms to cope with high temperature and high humidity weather is to reduce the moisture content of supply air. The differences between different ventilation types are compared, and it is demonstrated that personalized supply air is more superior than comprehensive ventilation, and positive pressure ventilation is better than negative pressure ventilation.
Keywords: large-scale pig farm; cooling system; cold source; end treatment type; ventilation type;
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