
作者:周颖 徐熠 孙耀南
关键词:在宅医疗 居住环境 服务体系 远程医疗
作者简介:周颖 东南大学建筑学院教授。; 徐熠 东南大学建筑学院硕士研究生。; 孙耀南 南京理工大学理学院土木工程系讲师。;
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Analysis and Prospect of Home Healthcare in Japan
ZHOU Ying XU Yi SUN Yaonan
Abstract: Under the background of rising aging, in order to reduce medical expenditure while ensuring medical standards and quality of life, the importance of home healthcare is increasing, so it is necessary to continuously improve the relevant living environment and service system. This paper analyzed the current situation of home health care in Japan from the perspective of living environment, service system and epidemic situation, and then forecasted the future of home healthcare in China.
Keywords: home healthcare; residential environment; service system; remote medicine;
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