
作者:袁静 王选 马骊 王天生 李骥
单位:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 建科环能科技有限公司
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Economic analysis of conventional clean heating methods based on energy efficiency improvement in existing rural houses
Yuan Jing Wang Xuan Ma Li Wang Tiansheng Li Ji
(China Academy of Building Research Jianke EET Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Taking a typical rural house in Chengde as an example, the heating energy consumption, retrofit costs and operation costs before and after the energy-saving retrofit of the rural house are analysed based on the on-site operation test data of two different clean heating systems, namely the air-source heat pump heating system and the heat-storage electric boiler heating system. Through the comparative analysis, the energy consumption of the air-source heat pump heating system can be reduced by about 52.5% during heating season compared with that of the heat-storage electric boiler heating system applied to the same typical rural house in Chengde. If the rural house takes the energy-saving retrofit for further energy improvement, the heating energy consumption can be reduced by about 28.7% for both the air-source heat pump heating system and the heat-storage electric boiler heating system, and the operation costs of each heating season can be reduced by 36.9% to 50.8%. The heating operation costs can be reduced significantly by applying the clean heating renovation for heating system and the energy-saving retrofit on envelopes simultaneously.
Keywords: clean heating; rural house; air-source heat pump; electric boiler; energy efficiency improvement;
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