
作者:孙冬梅 康靖 郝斌 李雨桐 于海超 孙林
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Analysis on characteristics of PEDF (photovoltaic, energy storage, direct current and flexibility) building cases and discussion on related problems of system design
Sun Dongmei Kang Jing Hao Bin Li Yutong Yu Haichao Sun Lin
(Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: PEDF is an important technical means to solve the spatial-temporal mismatch problem between building photovoltaic power generation and building terminal electricity consumption, and to promote the local consumption of photovoltaic power generation. It is also an important technical support for the new power system with renewable energy as the main body to realize “the load moves with the source” and improve the safety, reliability and stability of power supply. It plays an important role in the realization of zero-carbon buildings and zero-carbon electricity. Based on the investigation of domestic demonstration projects of PEDF, this paper selects 17 typical cases of different application scenarios, analyses the distribution characteristics such as climate region, building type and building scale, and the technical characteristics of photovoltaic, energy storage, DC power distribution, DC power consumption scenarios of PEDF buildings, and puts forward the suitable application scenario, system topology structure and voltage level selection principle of the PEDF building and the capacity allocation method of the PEDF system, and points out the differentiated technical path for the development of the PEDF in urban and rural buildings, which provides some useful references for the design and popularization of PEDF buildings.
Keywords: PEDF(photovoltaic,energy storage,direct current and flexibility); building case; system design; capacity allocation; technical path;
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