
作者:韦发林 王晓娟 于鲁海 黄春艳 胡波 王宝龙
单位:清华大学 贵州中烟工业有限公司
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Application of independent outdoor air system to process air conditioning in summer
Wei Falin Wang Xiaojuan Yu Luhai Huang Chunyan Hu Bo Wang Baolong
(Tsinghua University China Tobacco Guizhou Industrial Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Process air conditioning needs to control air temperature and humidity at the same time, with high control accuracy and high energy consumption. The independent outdoor air system has good applicability in the process plant with large heat humidity ratio. This paper studies the engineering application forms of three different independent outdoor air systems, including split series independent outdoor air system, integrated independent outdoor air system and integrated air mixing and dehumidification independent outdoor air system, analyses the operation principle of each system, and measures its actual operation effect. The results show that the three independent outdoor air systems have realized the reduction of system complexity, the improvement of performance in transition season and the improvement of adaptability to low heat humidity ratio condition through process improvement on the basis of inheriting the advantages of traditional independent outdoor air system. Compared with the primary return air system, the primary energy consumption of the split series independent outdoor air system in Guiding county in the cooling season reduces by 64.8%, that of the integrated independent outdoor air system in Zunyi city in the cooling season reduces by 25.2%, and that of the integrated air mixing and dehumidification independent outdoor air system in Tongren city in the cooling season reduces by 45.2%.
Keywords: independent outdoor air system; cooling season; process air conditioning; humidification; dehumidification; heat humidity ratio; energy saving;
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