
作者:黄雅梅 张华玲
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Technical strategy to reduce electricity cost of heat pump heating for rural residential buildings in cold zone
Huang Yamei Zhang Hualing
(Chongqing University)
Abstract: In order to reduce the economic burden of winter heating for rural residents in cold zone, this paper takes an existing rural residential building in Baoding as the object, uses DeST-h software to establish a model and performs simulation calculation, and studies the heating load index and operating electricity cost of air-source heat pump heating in the heating season under the condition of different temperature parameters, different envelope transformation schemes and energy storage using peak-valley price under the premise of meeting the needs of residents. The results show that the energy-saving effect of the improvement of the thermal performance of the envelope is more significant than that of the time-sharing room temperature regulation, and if the performance of the envelope is improved with the valley electric heat storage scheme, the heating cost is saved the most, but the initial investment is larger and the payback period is longer. It is recommended that the local government should give appropriate subsidies for the improvement of the performance of the envelope and the heat storage of valley electricity, so that rural residents can truly “afford” after “switching from coal to electricity”.
Keywords: cold zone; rural residential building; heat pump; temperature parameter; envelope; peak-valley price; heating electricity cost;
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