
作者:王登甲 曲磊 刘艳峰 陶昌军 田梽君
单位:绿色建筑全国重点实验室 西安建筑科技大学 西藏宁算科技集团有限公司
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Analysis on development potential and problems of large scale green data centers in Tibet Plateau
Wang Dengjia Qu Lei Liu Yanfeng Tao Changjun Tian Zhijun
(State Key Laboratory of Green Building Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Xizang Ningsuan Technology Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: As an important carrier of technological innovation and application in the data industry, large scale data centers have shown a rapid growth trend in recent years, but their huge power demand has also brought a huge burden on power consumption. This paper presents the overall distribution of large scale data centers in China, and mainly analyses the congenital advantages of special conditions such as low annual average temperature, high air cleanliness, dry climate, and abundant renewable energy resources in the green and energy saving operation of large scale data centers in the Tibet Plateau. It further discusses some problems that need to be overcome in the construction of large scale green data centers in the Tibet Plateau, so as to provide a certain reference for the development and layout of the large scale green data center and the adaptive design in the Tibet Plateau.
Keywords: Tibet Plateau; large scale green data center; natural climate; renewable resource; development potential;
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