
作者:谭海阳 李继路 屈国伦 刘谨
单位:广州市设计院集团有限公司 广州建筑股份有限公司 广州市建筑集团有限公司
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Design of high-efficiency air conditioning system for existing teaching building of a university
Tan Haiyang Li Jilu Qu Guolun Liu Jin
(Guangzhou Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: In view of the requirement of adding an air conditioning system with energy-saving and scientific research and teaching functions to the existing teaching building of a university, based on the characteristics of the teaching building, a high-efficiency air conditioning system for a specific scenario is proposed, and the targeted optimization design of the indoor design parameters, cold source system, transmission and distribution system, cooling tower, air conditioning terminal and automatic control and other aspects are completed. The actual operation results from 2019 to 2020 show that the air conditioning system meets the requirements for use and the energy efficiency ratio meets the design requirements.
Keywords: teaching building; energy conservation; high-efficiency air conditioning system; optimal design; low resistance water system; energy efficiency ratio; scientific research and teaching;
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