
作者:许钟麟 曹国庆 沈晋明
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Discussion on opening direction of doors in contaminated area of hospital buildings
Xu Zhonglin Cao Guoqing Shen Jinming
(China Academy of Building Research Tongji University)
Abstract: The opening direction of doors in contaminated area of hospital buildings has received extensive attention. The opening of the door leads to airflow exchange, and the experiment proves that the door opening process will produce reverse airflow(from the contaminated area to the neighboring room), and the reverse airflow intensity of outward opening door is the largest, followed by inward opening door and sliding door. The door seam leakage is also leakage to the inside as the contaminated area keeps negative pressure. Taking into account the convenience and safety issues, it is preferable to use the sliding door, or the door that can be opened outward if there is a buffer room. The door of buffer room to the corridor should be opened inward and should have observation windows.
Keywords: hospital building; contaminated area; swing door; sliding door; buffer room;
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