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Analysis of solutions for residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone based on energy quota
Cao Xinyun Yu Wei Xiong Jie Du Chenqiu Li Nan Yao Runming
(Chongqing University)
Abstract: Residents in the hot summer and cold winter zone have the unique energy usage pattern of partial-space and partial-time for heating and cooling of buildings. Based on this situation, this paper develops a multi-objective optimization and multi-criteria decision-making model by applying the optimization algorithm NSGA-Ⅱ-TOPSIS method. Energy consumption, comfort and economy are selected as three goals in this model. The recommended optimal technical solution can be obtained after the trade-off of the three goals. Compared with the current residential building standards, the recommended technical solution can reduce the annual heating and cooling load by 34.7% and extend the non-heating and cooling time by 12.5%. In addition, more feasible solutions are also compared and discussed in this paper, which can not only maintain the indoor thermal comfort condition during the occupied time in the occupied space, but also control the annual energy consumption of heating and cooling within the energy quota. The technical solutions proposed in this paper can provide a reference for the design of residential buildings in this area, and provide strong support for the revision of relevant standards.
Keywords: hot summer and cold winter zone; energy quota; residential building; multi-objective optimization; multi-criteria decision making;
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