
作者:侯昕扬 陈超 苏辉 卢亚开 田喆
单位:天津大学 中铁建工集团有限公司
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Case study on commissioning of VAV air conditioning system assisted by simulation under whole working conditions
Hou Xinyang Chen Chao Su Hui Lu Yakai Tian Zhe
(Tianjin University China Railway Construction Engineering Group)
Abstract: Considering the phenomenon of poor economy and unknown optimality of VAV air conditioning system in the commissioning stage, taking an office building as an example, the coupling simulation of thermal, hydraulic and control characteristics of the system reflecting the real physical characteristics of the system is carried out by Modelica electromechanical simulation platform. Finally, the design assistance of the whole working condition is realized, and the optimal setting value of energy saving is obtained under the condition of keeping the room temperature. The simulation supported commissioning method can be used to effectively support the selection and setting of static pressure control points.
Keywords: variable air volume air conditioning system; coupling simulation; system commissioning; static pressure control point; static pressure setting value;
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