
作者:杨建荣 张改景 潘毅群 王利珍 丁志梁 谢建彤
单位:上海市建筑科学研究院有限公司 同济大学
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Research on energy consumption baseline of green office buildings in Shanghai based on typical model
Yang Jianrong Zhang Gaijing Pan Yiqun Wang Lizhen Ding Zhiliang Xie Jiantong
(Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Tongji University)
Abstract: Based on the energy consumption results and characteristics of 14 green office buildings in Shanghai, this paper establishes a typical energy consumption benchmark model of green office buildings in Shanghai by using the EnergyPlus software. The typical model is verified by the actual energy consumption data, and the benchmark scenario and three energy saving scenarios are set up on the basis of the typical model. The simulation analysis of different scenarios is carried out, and the energy consumption baseline of green office buildings in Shanghai is obtained, which provides a reference for the evaluation and performance optimization of green office buildings.
Keywords: green building; typical model; energy consumption simulation; energy consumption baseline; building energy saving; energy saving scenario;
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