
摘要:本文阐述了消防给水系统联动控制设计要点及消防给水泵的启泵控制方式, 结合相关新规范和新图集, 重点分析了不同类型的超高层建筑消防给水系统及其与火灾自动报警系统的联动控制设计要点, 并对新规范及新图集中的一些设计疑点问题进行分析, 以供探讨。
关键词:超高层建筑 消防给水系统 联动控制 启泵方式 消防转输泵
作者简介:邹智慧, 建筑科学研究院电气副总工程师, 高级电气工程师、国家注册电气工程师 (供配电) , Email:zouzhihui2002@163.com。
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Fire Water-supply System Linkage Control Discussion of Super High-rise Building
Zou Zhihui
(CITIC General Institute of Architecture Design and Research Co.Ltd.)
Abstract: According to the new standards and the new atlas, linkage control design points and fire pumping methods of fire water-supply system are explained in this paper, mainly analyzing fire water-supply system and its linkage control main points of design with fire alarm system in different types super high-rise buildings.
Keywords: super high-rise building; fire water-supply system; linkage control; pumping method; fire transfer pump;
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