
作者:郑梦笛 夏梦
摘要:柔性直流输电技术的出现为城市供电系统构建提供了新的解决方案。随着电力系统负荷不断增加, 资源短缺, 研究柔性直流输电在未来城市供电系统中的应用将具有重要意义。本文简要阐述了基于电压源换流器的柔性高压直流输电系统结构、工作原理及其关键技术, 介绍了高压柔性直流输电技术特点及在城市供电系统和民用建筑供电系统中的应用, 以期为柔性直流输电技术的提供参考。
关键词:城市供电系统 高压直流输电 柔性输电
作者简介: 郑梦笛, 工程师, Email:512493368@qq.com。;
参考文献[1] 王伟, 安森.柔性高压直流输电综述[J].沈阳工程学院学报 (自然科学版) , 2011, 7 (03) :235-238.

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[4] 陈亚芳.浅谈高压直流输电系统构成及接地极运行特性[J].城市建设理论研究 (电子版) , 2015 (9) .
Discussion on the Principle and Application of Flexible DC Transmission Technology
Zheng Mengdi Xia Meng
(Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd)
Abstract: The emergence of flexible DC transmission technology provides a new solution for the construction of urban power supply system. With the serious load and shortage of resources in power system, it is important to reaserch the application of flexible HVDC in future urban power supply system. This paper briefly expounds the structure, working principle and key technology of flexible HVDC system based on voltage source converter, and introduces the technical characteristics of HVDC and its application in urban power supply system and civil building power supply system for reference to the engineers.
Keywords: urban power supply system; HVDC transmission; flexible transmission;
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