
作者:李蔚 冯晓良
摘要:以第七届世界军运会主场馆为例, 从供配电、照明、火灾自动报警系统和电气节能等方面, 对体育场馆电气设计关键技术进行了分析和探讨, 阐述了体育场馆电气设计应立足功能需求、针对竞技项目特点, 在满足技术可靠性的前提下, 充分考虑经济合理性及电气节能, 实现“技术可靠性、经济合理性、发展灵活性”的协调统一。
关键词:体育建筑 供配电系统 照明 火灾自动报警系统 电气节能
作者简介:李蔚, 总院电气总工, 教授级高级工程师, 国家注册电气工程师, Email:Liwei0821@163.com。
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Overview on the Key Technology of Electrical Design for the Seventh Military World Games Stadium
Li Wei Feng Xiaoliang
(CITIC General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Talking the Seventh World Military Games Main Stadium as a case, the key technology of electrical design on sports building is analyzed and discussed, from the aspects of power supply and distribution system, electrical lighting, automatic fire alarm system and electrical energy saving. In order to realize the coordination and unification of "Technical Reliability, Economic Rationality and Development Flexibility", the electrical design of sports stadiums should be based on functional requirements and characteristics of competitive sports, fully considering economic rationality and electrical energy saving under the premise of reliability technology.
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