
作者:刘志华 罗新
单位:武汉市政工程设计研究院有限责任公司 湖北生态工程职业技术学院
摘要:道路照明路灯及公交岗亭户外广告牌等用电设施与不特定人群有着可随意接触的空间, 一旦出现漏电故障即存在较高的危险, 本文重点分析了常见TN-S及TT接地系统其各种故障环境下的人体接触电压值, 综合比较认为, 城市道路照明及分散型户外用电场所采用TN-S接地系统辅以剩余电流动作保护装置是较为切实可靠的措施。
关键词:TN-S接地系统 TT接地系统 故障电压 人体接触电压剩余电流动作保护装置 (漏电保护装置)
作者简介: 刘志华, 总院电气总工程师, 教授级高级工程师, Email:272562072@qq.com。;
参考文献[1] 中国航空规划设计研究总院有限公司.工业与民用配电设计手册 (第四版) [M].北京:中国电力出版社.2016.

[2] GB50054-2011 低压配电设计规范[S].北京:中国计划出版社, 2012.

[3] GB13955-2017 剩余电流动作保护装置安装和运行[S].北京:中国计划出版社, 2018.
Safety Risk Analysis and Prevention of Urban Road Lighting and Outdoor Power Facilities
Liu Zhihua Luo Xin Wuhan Municipal Engine
(ering Design & Research Institute Co.Ltd Hubei Ecology Polytechnic College)
Abstract: Electric facilities such as street lights and outdoor billboards of bus kiosks have free contact space with non-specific people. Once leakage fault occurs, there is a high risk. This paper focuses on the analysis of human contact voltage values of common TN-S and TT grounding systems under various fault environments. It is considered that urban road lighting is a comprehensive comparison. TN-S grounding system supplemented with residual current protection device is a more practical and reliable measure for distributed outdoor electrical sites.
Keywords: TN-S grounding system; TT grounding system; fault voltage; residual current action protection device for human body contact voltage;
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