
作者:沈丹 李军
摘要:本项目为某机场航站楼工程, 属于特大型交通建筑, 为国内区域枢纽机场之一。航站楼工程由于其使用功能的特殊性, 与普通公共建筑有较大区别, 具有楼层区域宽广、疏散流线复杂、机电设备繁多、人员聚集密集等特点, 因此在进行火灾自动报警系统设计时, 需从火灾预警、系统配置、火灾扑救及运维管理等多个方面进行认真思考, 选取合理方案。
关键词:消防控制室 消防电源 高大空间 火灾探测器选择 消防联动控制 超细干粉控制系统
作者简介: 沈丹, 机电二所所长, 高级工程师, Email:250500080@qq.com。
参考文献[1] GB 50116-2013 火灾自动报警系统规范[S].北京:中国计划出版社.2013.

[2] GB 50016-2014 建筑设计防火规范 [S].北京:中国计划出版社.2014.

[3] GB 50347-2004干粉灭火系统设计规范[S].北京:中国计划出版社.2004.

[4] DB 42 294-2004超细干粉灭火设计施工规范[S].湖北:2004.
Summary of Design and Construction of Automatic Fire Alarm System for an Air Terminal
Shen Dan Li Jun
(Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd)
Abstract: This project is an airport terminal project, belongs to the super-large traffic construction, one of the regional hub airports in China. Because of the particularity of its usage function, the airport building project is quite different from the common public building. It has the characteristics of wide floor area, complicated evacuation flow line, numerous mechanical and electrical equipment and dense crowd. Therefore, the design of automatic fire alarm system should be based on fire warning, system configuration, fire fighting and operation and maintenance. Management and other aspects of serious thinking, select a reasonable plan.
Keywords: fire control room; fire power supply; tall space; fire detector selection; fire linkage control; ultrafine dry powder control system;
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