
作者:张宽 刘敏 周东
摘要:本文结合设计和供电部门意见, 通过剖析某多业态大型商业综合体中具有特殊性的高压供电实施方案实例, 分析和探讨在单路10kV供电容量已达极限值时, 如何兼顾不同业态错峰供电以保证各业态的供电需求。
关键词:10kV中心配电所 大型商业综合体 单母线分断 全主全备 独立计量
作者简介:张宽, 机电三院电气总工程师, 教授级高级工程师, Email:2366275673@qq.com。
参考文献[1] GBZ 29328-2012 重要电力用户供电电源及自备应急电源配置技术规范.

[2] 电监安全[2008]43号《关于加强重要电力用户供电电源及自备应急电源配置监督管理的意见》.

[3] 国网湖北省电力公司关于印发《新建住宅供配电设施设计规范》的通知 (鄂电司企管[2014]15号) .

[4] GB 50052-2009《供配电系统设计规范》[S].北京:中国计划出版社, 2010.

[5] GB 50053-2013《20kV及以下变电所设计规范》[S].北京:中国计划出版社, 2014.

[6] Q/GDW370-2009《城市配电网技术导则》[S].

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Discussion on High-voltage Power Supply Scheme of Multi-industry Commercial Complex Building
Zhang Kuan Liu Min Zhou Dong
(Citic General Institute of Architectural Design And Research Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the design and the opinions of the power supply department, this paper intnduced an engineering example of the implementation scheme of high-voltage power supply with certain particularity in a large multi-industry commercial complex. It analyzed and discussed how to take into account the power supply demand of different types of businesses when the power supply capacity of single channel 10 kV has reached the limit value.
Keywords: 10kV central distribution station; large commercial complex; single bus breaking; all the perfect; independent measurement;
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