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Green Energy Saving Measures For Government Departments to Build Their Own IDC
Du Dong
(MCC5 Group Shanghai Corporation Limited)
Abstract: The green and energy saving design of data centers built by government departments is always ignored due to the limitation of their use and construction scale.This paper analyzes how to control PUE value and the energy saving measures to be considered through the preliminary energy saving design scheme of the actual project.In the preliminary planning and design, the following measures should be taken into consideration: building energy saving of data center, high energy efficiency ratio of precision air conditioning equipment and dynamic output of cooling capacity, dynamically regulated power output, application of intelligent power management system of IT equipment, integration of dynamic and environmental monitoring system from decentralization to centralization, CFD simulation and other measures. Final data center overall energy efficiency ratio PUE is less than or equal to 1.5.
Keywords: green energy saving design; energy saving measures; overall PUE value calculation; CFD simulation;
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