

薛彦涛 魏琏 黄世敏. 建筑地震作用计算方法演变与发展[J]. 建筑结构,2022,48(17):5-13.

XUE Yantao WEI Lian HUANG Shimin. Evolution and development of calculation methods for building seismic force[J]. Building Structure,2022,48(17):5-13.

作者:薛彦涛 魏琏 黄世敏
单位:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 深圳市力鹏工程结构技术有限公司
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Evolution and development of calculation methods for building seismic force
XUE Yantao WEI Lian HUANG Shimin
(China Academy of Building Research Co.,Ltd. Shenzhen Li Peng Structural Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: From the historical evolution of earthquake action value, the internal relationship between minor and moderate seismic design were revealed, and the essence of minor seismic design was restored. At the beginning, seismologists put forward the seismic coefficient method in which the earthquake action was a single horizontal lateral force. Since then, with the establishment of the earthquake acceleration response spectrum, the response spectrum theory was used to calculate the earthquake action by coutries. The spectrum maximum response acceleration was determined based on the previous single earthquake action, so it was stage called the minor seismic design. After the seismic fortification intensity(moderate earthquake) was proposed, the seismic design entered the stage of moderate earthquake response spectrum. Because the earthquake action calculated by this method has been greatly increased, the earthquake action calculated by moderate earthquake has to be reduced in order to ensure the continuity of the code of countries, and the reduced action of high ductility structure is equivalent to the minor earthquake value. In China, the returning to the minor earthquake action value is based on the consideration of the probability and reliability method for seismic design, and seismic measures are added to greatly improve the ductility of the structure. This design method has withstood the earthquake test.
Keywords: code comparison; calculation method of earthquake action; seismic coefficient method; response spectrum method; response modification factor
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