
作者:沈晋明 许钟麟 刘燕敏
单位:同济大学 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司
参考文献[1] 刘燕敏,沈晋明.美国医院设计和建设新指南及主要修订内容[J].中国医院建筑与装备,2019(6):36- 40.

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New ideas,new classification and new measures for operating room design
Shen Jinming Xu Zhonglin Liu Yanmin
(Tongji University China Academy of Building Research)
Abstract: In the era of coexistence of open surgery, minimally invasive procedure and non-invasive procedure, the minimally invasive procedure and the non-invasive procedure continue to replace the open surgery. The original operating room design standard is mainly based on the open surgery. The landmark indicators for dividing the operating room level are the location, size, depth, operation time, risk degree and other factors of the surgical incision, and the control measures for operating rooms and operating environments of different levels have been developed. The American Hospital Facilities Guidelines Institute(FGI) puts forward new ideas and measures to adapt to the development trend of operating room grading and environmental control, which may impact the classification of the original operating room and the control of the operating room environment and change the original system of hospital operating room construction. We should have corresponding countermeasures and ideas for this.
Keywords: operating room design; open surgery; minimally invasive procedure; non-invasive procedure; classification of procedure environment; control idea; countermeasure;
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