
作者:赵民 王思雨 康维斌 李杨 孟祥兆
单位:西安交通大学 中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司
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Review on carbon emission accounting in building sector
Zhao Min Wang Siyu Kang Weibin Li Yang Meng Xiangzhao
(Xi'an Jiaotong University China Northwest Architechture Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Under the background of the long-term goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, controlling greenhouse gas emissions has become a research hotspot. As a key industry of emission reduction and carbon reduction, the building sector is receiving more and more social attention. The delimitation and selection of accounting boundary in the building sector is the basis of carbon emission research in the building sector. However, the current literature research division methods are different and there is no unified standard, which makes the research cases lack of contrast. In order to provide a reference for the research on carbon reduction in the building sector, this paper expounds the division and accounting methods of carbon emission accounting in the building sector at home and abroad, and points out the problems existing in the existing carbon emission accounting boundary.
Keywords: building sector; carbon emission; accounting boundary; accounting method; life cycle;
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