
作者:于文璐 张舸
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VOC emission characteristics of water-based paint during painting process in furniture factories
Yu Wenlu Zhang Ge
(University of Science and Technology Beijing)
Abstract: The volatile organic compound(VOC) emitted by the furniture manufacturing industry mainly comes from the painting process. VOC in primer, topcoat and drying process exhaust gas of a furniture factory's coating production line is sampled with combined sampling tubes, and the composition and concentration of VOC are analysed by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results show that the main component of VOC in water-based paint exhaust gas is ethyl acetate, followed by n-hexane and toluene. The main types of VOC in the water-based paint itself and the exhaust gas from painting are compared. The principal component analysis method is used to analyse the effects of various physical properties(boiling point, molecular weight, relative air density, relative water density and kinematic viscosity) on VOC emission of water-based paint. The results show that boiling point is the main influencing factor.
Keywords: volatile organic compound(VOC); furniture factory; water-based paint; painting; exhaust gas; influencing factor; principal component analysis;
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