
作者:丁勇 向一心
作者简介:丁勇,男,1975年生,工学博士,教授,400045重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街174号重庆大学土木工程学院,E-mail:dingyongqq@163.com:2022 10 24;
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Research on heating characteristics of south and north based on typical meteorological data analysis
Ding Yong Xiang Yixin
(Chongqing University)
Abstract: In view of the difference of heating demand between the south and the north, this paper analyses the climate characteristics of eight typical cities in the south and the north of China based on the meteorological data over the past years, taking into account the average temperature of the coldest month, the heating degree days HDD18, the number of heating days and other factors. At the same time, combined with the demand investigation and the difference comparison of temperature distribution and fluctuation, the dynamic characteristics of heating load in different regions and the appropriate method of load solving are discussed. The characteristics of the system operation in the south and the north are analysed, and some suggestions on the design, system form and operation strategy of the heating system are given. The paper analyses the suitability of the heating system setting through practical cases, which provides a basis for the subsequent heating design method, parameter determination, heating mode selection and system setting.
Keywords: heating; heating difference between south and north; meteorological data; heating demand characteristic; system feature; case analysis;
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