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High-sharing information transmission application of BIM HVAC design for an infectious disease hospital
Xu Yi
(Fujian Boyork Architectural Design Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Due to their diverse functions, infectious disease hospitals have the characteristics of high requirements for ventilation, air conditioning, pressure gradient, and other refinements. The mechanical and electrical management of an infectious disease hospital project is complex, and the whole design specialty is deepened from the scheme stage to the depth of fine decoration. To complete the project with quality and quantity, it is necessary to ensure that the professional design information can be transmitted comprehensively, accurately, and efficiently. However, the traditional design method often takes care of one or the other in the design stage, as well as in the later procurement, construction, and operation and maintenance stages, due to the inconsistency of time and space, and the frequent change of personnel. In the high-sharing information transmission system based on BIM three-dimensional collaborative management, the design information is assigned, structured, and accurately and efficiently transmitted between design disciplines and throughout the architectural whole life cycle. This paper uses this project as an example to demonstrate the specific application of BIM HVAC design with high-sharing information transmission and analyses the value and prospects of the system for peer reference.
Keywords: high-sharing information transmission; infectious disease hospital; BIM three-dimensional collaborative management; coding; secondary plug-in;
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