
作者:江源 高甜 王元舜 亢勇 李冰
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Fire control and smoke exhaust of electric vehicle garages
Jiang Yuan Gao Tian Wang Yuanshun Kang Yong Li Bing
(China Northwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: The fire risk of electric vehicles is much greater than that of fuel vehicles, so the fire prevention of electric vehicle charging infrastructure needs more attention. At present, the country and the industry have not formulated design specifications or technical measures for the fire control and smoke exhaust of electric vehicle garages, but there have been some studies on electric vehicle fire control. Based on previous researches, this paper extracts the relevant data, selects typical models, calculates the volume flow of smoke during a single smoke compartment fire, deduces the minimum smoke exhaust rate required for a single smoke compartment during an electric vehicle garage fire, and proposes a design method and technical measures for the smoke exhaust that can be implemented during an electric vehicle garage fire.
Keywords: electric vehicle fire; charging infrastructure; state of fire; heat release rate; smoke exhaust rate; underground garage; fire control and smoke exhaust;
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