
作者:孙婵娟 王平 黄鑫 黄晨 洪诗婕
单位:上海理工大学 上海市第十人民医院
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Combined effects of indoor temperature, humidity and particulate concentration on PAEs concentration distribution in dustfall
Sun Chanjuan Wang Ping Huang Xin Huang Chen Hong Shijie
(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital)
Abstract: It is of great significance to understand the concentration distribution of indoor phthalate acid esters(PAEs) compounds and their influencing factors for pollution control. In this study, indoor dust samples are collected from 266 residential buildings in Shanghai, and the types and contents of PAEs are tested and analysed. The correlations between indoor temperature, humidity, particulate concentration and the concentration distribution of three typical PAEs are analysed by the logistic regression method. The multiplicative interaction between environmental parameters and PAEs concentration distribution and their influences are revealed. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between temperature and Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate(DEHP), and a significant negative correlation between humidity and diisobutyl phthalate(DiBP). After adjusting temperature and particle concentration as confusion factors, there is a significant positive correlation between humidity and DEHP. In the environment with low temperature and low humidity, there is a significant negative correlation between particulate concentration and DEHP, high molecular weight PAEs(HMW-PAEs) and total PAEs(TPAEs). Temperature and particulate concentration have positive multiple interactions on DEHP concentration distribution. Therefore, indoor temperature, humidity and particulate concentration all affect the PAEs concentration distribution in varying degrees, and the change in PAEs concentration is caused by the combined effect of multiple factors.
Keywords: indoor environment; phthalate acid esters(PAEs); dustfall; temperature; humidity; particulate concentration; multiplicative interaction; pollution control;
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