
作者:王怡 杨洋 曹智翔
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Research process and perspective of ventilation technology in industrial buildings
Wang Yi Yang Yang Cao Zhixiang
(State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology)
Abstract: Ventilation technology is the most important means of controlling indoor pollutants in industrial buildings. This paper reviews the development of key industrial ventilation technologies at home and abroad. The problems faced by ventilation technologies for industrial buildings are stated during the rapid development of China's manufacturing industry. The recent progresses made by domestic scholars are summarized in the field of ventilation of industrial buildings with high pollution emission rate, and the main achievements are listed on ventilation airflow patterns, efficient control and purification technologies for contaminants. In the end, it looks forward to the new challenges for ventilation technology for industrial buildings in China in the future.
Keywords: industrial building; ventilation technology; contaminant; air distribution; purification technology;
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