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Influencing factors of bacterial aerosol concentration level in hospital intensive care units
Ni Jun
(Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention)
Abstract: In order to study the environmental factors that affect the concentration of bacterial aerosol in the hospital intensive care unit(ICU), the concentration and particle number of the bacterial aerosol in the ICUs of several hospitals are monitored and analysed. The results show that the bacterial aerosol concentration level in the 10 000-level purification indoor environment of the purifier during actual use is between the 10 000-level and 100 000-level purification requirements. Regardless of whether a purifier is installed, the concentration of bacterial aerosol in the group with personnel activities is higher than that without personnel activities. In the case of personnel activities, the purifier can quickly and effectively reduce the concentration level of bacterial aerosol. The median diameter of bacteria in the group with personnel activities is larger than that in the group without personnel activities, and the activities of personnel will increase large particles. There is a significant correlation between the bacterial aerosol concentration and the number of particles ≥0.5 μm and ≥5 μm in the ICU environment.
Keywords: hospital; intensive care unit(ICU); purifier; bacterial aerosol; concentration; particle number; personnel activity;
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