
作者:陈周林 杨英英 武卫东 张华
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Quantitative diagnosis method of thermophysical properties for building materials based on thermal quadrupoles model
Chen Zhoulin Yang Yingying Wu Weidong Zhang Hua
(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology)
Abstract: The relationship between the surface transient response of pulse and step signals of the building envelope and the heat storage coefficient of the envelope materials is established based on the thermal quadrupoles model. A non-destructive diagnosis method is proposed to obtain the heat storage coefficient of the envelope materials by applying the above two kinds of signals to analyse the surface transient response data. Based on the Duhamel theorem, a numerical model of reconstructing pulse and step signal responses using the transient response data from random signals is proposed by deconvolution and TSVD(truncated singular value decomposition) methods, which breaks the limitation of input signals during the actual diagnosis. The experiments on two typical building materials are carried out to verify the method. The results show that the heat storage coefficient of building materials can be diagnosed accurately and quickly by using this method.
Keywords: building material; building envelope; thermophysical property; heat storage coefficient; quantitative diagnosis; thermal quadrupoles model; building energy conservation;
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