
作者:孙雅琼 陆琼文

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Design and application of phase-change heat storage technology during valley electricity
Sun Yaqiong Lu Qiongwen
(East China Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: This paper presents the basic principle and classification of valley electric heat storage technology, and analyses the suitability of the technology in the current energy market. Taking a hospital in Shanghai as an example, equipment configuration, equipment room and the economy for these different cases are listed and compared in the plans of phase-change heat storage during valley electricity and gas boiler for heat load of domestic hot water and air conditioning and only for heat load of domestic hot water. The results show that the phase-change heat storage technology is suitable for the heat load of domestic hot water in Shanghai, but not suitable for the heat load of air conditioning and domestic hot water.
Keywords: phase-change heat storage during valley electricity; peak load shifting; hospital; winter heating; domestic hot water;
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