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HVAC design of waste bunker for waste incineration and power generation plants in severe cold zone
Li Shaojie
(Jiangsu TianYing Environmental Protection Energy Equipments Co., Ltd.(Shanghai Branch))
Abstract: This paper mainly analyses and explains the design related to the heating, deodorization, smoke exhaust and ventilation of the waste bunker for waste incineration and power generation plants in severe cold zone. Combining with the technical requirements and related specifications of the waste bunker, the relevant design parameters and control requirements of the waste bunker are determined. The design difficulties of heating for the waste bunker are elaborated, and the design of heating and deodorization systems and their linkage control of the waste bunker in severe cold zone is analysed through actual cases. The compliance of the accident smoke exhaust of the waste bunker is analysed, and the design proposal for the accident smoke exhaust is proposed.
Keywords: waste incineration power plant; waste bunker; heating; deodorization; ventilation; smoke exhaust;
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