
单位:南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 南京大学建筑规划设计研究院有限公司"数字建筑工作室"
作者简介:钟华颖, 东南大学建筑学工学博士, 东南大学与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学联合培养博士, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学Hyperbody研究室客座研究员。师从东南大学韩冬青教授, 并受到了数字建筑设计先驱Kas Oosterhuis教授的指导。博士毕业后进入南京大学建筑与城市规划学院任教, 同时作为南京大学建筑规划设计研究院有限公司“数字建筑工作室”主持建筑师。代表作品:万科集团创展中心、万科悬浮咖啡厅、三台山花田剧场、石塘互联网会议中心、云夕三维打印亭等。将数字设计理论研究与工程实践结合, 获得多个设计奖项。

   浙江桐庐莪山畲族乡山阴坞村, 在云夕民宿雷氏小住宅前院, 有一个3m×3m×3m范围、400个30cm见方的由PLA材料三维打印单元拼装组成的小亭, 因其似冰如雪的表面质感, 名为雪亭。雪亭由来自北京和南京三家供应商联合组成的打印网络, 耗时一个月打印而成, 在当地两位村民帮助下三天组装建成, 这也是一次三维打印技术下乡的小微建筑实践。


   作为一种快速成型的数字制造技术, 三维打印看似与手工艺传统的乡村环境并无关联。设计调研发现, 有限的预算、专业化组织管理团队缺乏、技艺精湛的传统职业工匠流失是乡村营建面临的普遍问题。三维打印所具备的塑形灵活、快速成型、网络化的加工方式与现代物流体系的支撑, 可将建造活动对当地环境的侵入与干扰降至最低。乡村建造的这一独特需求建立了数字技术与传统技艺之间的内在关联。


   雷氏小住宅的主体利用了当地采石场废料作为装饰, 本地工匠建造完成了砖混结构房屋。与前院功能相对独立的这一小亭, 则是采用远程三维打印完成的单元, 然后由物流网络运输至当地完成的装配式小建筑。两者一大一小、一实一虚, 在呈现出视觉的对比之外, 更为重要的是将两种建造体系置于同一乡村背景之下, 成为探索乡村复兴及传统技艺延续的现实路径。


   三维打印采用合成材料PLA, 其具有重量轻、精度高、工艺成熟的优点。为降低材料耗费, 减少打印时间, 采用了极小打印密度的单元。而轻质带来的副作用是降低了构件强度。为了平衡轻质与强度的矛盾, 设计进行了力学计算模拟, 获得内力力流分布图, 依据单元受力的不同设定相应的打印密度, 创造出一种渐变的透明效果。最终完成的建筑表面在早中晚不同光线下呈现不同的质感, 暗合了基地旁水库的光影斑驳, 凸显了纤细而精致的乡村触感。


   北京、南京三家供应商联合组成了打印网络, 在高峰期近百台三维打印机同时运转。单件打印时间为8~48h不等, 完成全部构件打印共耗时约一个月。依托村村通物流的现代乡村物流体系, 快递员通过轻便的交通工具即可将构件运送至项目现场。若组装过程中发现部分零件存在错误或损坏, 现场重新电脑建模发至打印承包商, 即可重新打印再发回现场。在当地两位村民的帮助下, 没有借助吊装设备, 耗时三天即完成现场搭建。


   云夕三维打印雪亭的完成, 是笔者继三维打印张拉整体装置及弹性三维打印研究之后, 更大尺度的一次三维打印实验。三维打印技术的作用也由一种造型手段向发展性能化的建筑材料、搭建远程加工服务平台、组建网络化集成化的工作集群发展。这一数字化的设计加工建造方式具备的远程服务、网络化加工、工业化拼装建造特征, 不仅适合城市建设, 也适于解决乡村建造所面临的普遍问题, 进而发展出一种以效能为导向的乡村建造新方式。

   Shan Yin Wu, the village of the She is a place of residence of ethnic ministers, one village in Tonglu town, Zhejiang province.And inside the village, our 3-D printing pavilion is built in the front yard of a home stay named Lei.This 3-D printing pavilion is made of 400 (30 cm3 each) PLA composites, and named after its surface texture----the Snow Pavilion.All the materials in need was provide by 3 suppliers coming from Beijing and Nanjing and finished printing in one month.With the help of two local villagers and the print networks, our Snow pavilion is finally established within 3 days.The establishment is also a success of 3-D printing technology practice in rural environment.

Digital Technology&Tr.aditional Rural Skill

   3-D printing, a digital rapid prototyping technology, seems to have no relation with traditional rural skill.However, according to recent research, rural construction nowadays is faced with 3 common problems:limited budgets、lacking in professional team management and the losing of skillful traditional artisans.Our 3-D printing technology could make the construction activities comparatively environmental-friendly with its flexible and digital rapid prototyping technology、fabrication and contemporary logistics systems.The special demands of rural construction establish relations between digital technology and traditional rural skills.









Three-Dimensional Printing:Industrialized and Localized Binary Experience

   The main building of Lei's residence is built by local craftsmen and decorated by local quarry's scrap materials.The pavilion in the front yard, this comparatively functional fabricated building is built by long-distance operated 3-D printing units which were shipped by logistics transportation.The Lei's residence and the Snow Pavilion, one big and one small, this combination of virtual and real has attracted less of its visual comparison and more from its special combination of two different construction systems placed against a rural background.What we do is continuing exploring the reasonable way to continue and revival traditional skills.

Material Mechanics and Transparency

   PLA, 3-D printing material, is a kind of composite possesses the advantages of light-weight, high accuracy and craft mature.We use minimal print density unit to decrease the printing time and lower the consumption of materials.But the side effect of light-weight is the reducing of the form of strength.To keep the balance between those two problems, we make a mechanical calculation simulation.The internal mechanical flow distribution diagram made by the simulation clearly depicts the different printing density according to different part of the building and then create an Alpha Animation.The texture of the building surface appears different through different ray of lights.With the companion of the shiny light and shadow reflected by the water of reservoir, the Snow pavilion can give you a luxury and delicate tactile impression.


   5, 6墙身纵剖详图


   5, 6墙身纵剖详图












   12, 13立面细部


   12, 13立面细部





Printing Network&Logistics Network&Local Construction

   The print network provided by three suppliers was made by nearly a hundred of 3-D printers especially at the fastigium.Each printed product could be produced in 8 to 48 hours and it took us almost one month to finish printing all the components.The components then delivered by the contemporary"Village-to-Village"logistics system and precisely be posted to the program'filled by couriers.All the component which is below standard can be reprinted via computer modeling and then delivered back to the program's filed in time.Under the conditions of no hoisting equipment, the building was finished establishing with the help of two local villagers in 3 days.

Efficiency-Oriented Contemporary New Rural Technology

   The accomplishment of Yunxi 3D printing is a larger extent of 3D printing experience after researches of 3D printing for elastic shape design and tensegrity installation with 3D printed components.Nowadays, the function of 3-D printing is no more than just means of modeling, it has been developing into a more performance-based building components.With its special advantages of processing service platform handled in remote operations, digital design processes and industrialized flat-section construction methods, the 3D printing technology can not only be used in the urban construction but also suitable in solving problems of rural buildings.The methods of efficiency-oriented rural construction are right on the rode!



   设计团队:钟华颖、袁子燕 (南京大学建筑与城市规划学院)

   结构顾问:袁鑫 (上海同基钢结构技术有限公司) 2






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