
作者:席江涛 聂诚飞 查波
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Design and research on low carbon operation of an intelligent heating system
Xi Jiangtao Nie Chengfei Zha Bo
(China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: An advanced control system is the key to ensuring accurate control and energy saving operation of district heating systems. Therefore, an intelligent heating system is established for the energy management center, heat exchange stations and their secondary side transmission and distribution networks to achieve intelligent and low-carbon operation of the district heating systems. The system firstly focuses on the main regulating equipment of each heat exchange station and its secondary side transmission and distribution network, using artificial intelligence technology in the software layer to investigate the design of distributed optimal advance linkage control strategy based on load prediction. Then, the monitoring and distributed control architecture for field equipment is designed in the hardware layer. Finally, based on passive optical network(PON) technology in the network layer, a data transmission scheme is designed to organically combine the software layer control strategy with the hardware layer monitoring equipment. By operating and commissioning this intelligent heating system in actual projects, it is found that the system can meet operational personnel's requirements for intelligent system operation and end-users' demand for thermal comfort, so as to achieve energy saving and low-carbon operation of the district heating system.
Keywords: intelligent heating; low-carbon operation; district heating; artificial intelligence; passive optical network(PON) technology; distributed control;
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