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System impact and determination method of absorption heat pump heating capacity in thermal power plants
Kuang Shengyan
(Broad Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: The introduction of the absorption heat pump(AHP) affects power generation and cooling heat rejection. The larger the heating capacity of AHP is, the greater the additional power generation is, and the less the cooling heat rejection is. The additional power generation is about 12% of the difference between the waste heat recovery of AHP and the additional heating capacity. The reduction of cooling heat rejection is equivalent to the sum of the additional power generation and the additional heating capacity. The heating temperature and maximum heating capacity of AHP are determined by establishing AHP model and plotting the heating characteristic curve. Combined with the heating curve of the heat network, it is determined that the most economical heating capacity of the AHP is 75% of the maximum load of the heating network. The final AHP heating capacity is taken as the smaller of the maximum heating capacity and the most economical heating capacity.
Keywords: thermal power plant; combined heat and power system; absorption heat pump(AHP); heating capacity; characteristic curve; heating curve of heating network;
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