
单位:中国社会科学院研究生院 深圳市建设工程造价管理站
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Research on the Orientation of Government Quota Management of Construction Projects under the Guidance of New Public Service
ZHANG Hongbiao
(Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Shenzhen Construction Project Cost Management Station)
Abstract: Construction project government quota has always been the core of construction project cost management in China.In the new period,accelerating the transformation of government functions and adjusting the quota function structure are the top priorities of project cost reform.Based on the new public service theory,this paper analyzes the role of government quota in the standardized service of project pricing,and puts forward that as the “pricing standard” for serving the society and industry in the new period,the government quota management should step towards the functional orientation of pricing standard public service that provides “foundation,guarantee,coordination and service” for the project cost management of the whole society,instead of “administrative quota” and “normative quota” of “regulation,dominance,standardization and omnipotence”.The positioning and function of public pricing standard is to provide the benchmark for the measurement and comparison of engineering pricing practice as the benchmark and reference system under fixed conditions,which not only makes way for the market decision of engineering cost in the new period,but also opens the way for the government service to protect public interests and maintain market order.
Keywords: government quota; new public service; public pricing standards
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