
作者:潘毅群 王皙 尹茹昕 黄治钟 曾菲 周明春
单位:同济大学 上海市建筑科学研究院有限公司 美的集团楼宇科技研究院
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Study on optimization strategies for grid-interactive building and electricity coordination scheduling
Pan Yiqun Wang Xi Yin Ruxin Huang Zhizhong Zeng Fei Zhou Mingchun
(Tongji University Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Midea Group-Midea Building Technologies Division)
Abstract: With the rapid development of new energy generation and energy storage devices, utilizing renewable energy to establish grid-interactive buildings has become one of the most promising approaches for energy efficiency and carbon reduction. Grid-interactive buildings can achieve interaction and collaboration between buildings and the power grid by integrating renewable energy, energy storage technologies, and the public power grid. This paper presents the system framework and model construction method of grid-interactive buildings, as well as relevant electricity coordination and scheduling optimization strategies, including demand response, energy management, and coordinated scheduling strategies. Additionally, this paper conducts a case study on scheduling strategies in a small residential community, formulating the optimization problems with the objectives of economic optimization and carbon emission minimization, and explores coordinated interactions over multiple days by adjusting the receding optimization prediction horizon. Finally, the prospects for the future development of grid-interactive buildings are discussed, including the issues related to multi-energy collaborative optimization and stakeholder cooperation, providing the insights for promoting the sustainable building energy practices and ensuring the stability of the power system.
Keywords: grid-interactive building; electricity coordination and scheduling; optimization strategy; energy utilization; building carbon reduction;
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