
作者:郑坤 徐伟 李安桂 宋占寿 韩武松 赵刚 郭然 褚俊杰 王烁焱
单位:中国建筑设计研究院有限公司 西安建筑科技大学 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司
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Test and analysis of stack ventilation in a shaft of an office building in Beijing
Zheng Kun Xu Wei Li Angui Song Zhanshou Han Wusong Zhao Gang Guo Ran Chu Junjie Wang Shuoyan
(China Architecture Design & Research Group Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology China Academy of Building Research)
Abstract: The stack ventilation system in a shaft of an office building in Beijing is tested for the purpose of obtaining ventilation volume. The analysis results show that there are many factors affecting the ventilation volume, mainly the driving temperature difference and the system resistance. In order to maximize the energy-saving potential of the system, the method of optimizing the use of stack ventilation for cooling in transition seasons and the strategy for dynamically adjusting the opening and closing of louvers with the actual number of people in the room are proposed. At the same time, a method to eliminate the side effects of stack ventilation in winter is put forward.
Keywords: stack ventilation; ventilation volume; office building; driving temperature difference; neutral pressure level;
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