
摘要:由于各个高校在建筑功能、建成年代、教职工学生人数、地理位置、教研领域等方面的差异, 高校管理的需求也不尽相同, 因此校园能耗监管平台应在满足平台基本功能的基础上, 因地制宜, 统筹规划, 应需而建。通过以北京外国语大学为例, 在对学校内建筑物及计量表具信息进行全面采集, 对能源管理需求进行调研的基础上, 确定能耗监管平台 (以下简称“平台”) 的建设方针, 对平台软件、硬件的设置深度提出基本要求, 并阐述人才培养对平台建设管理的重要性。以此为面向管理需要的能耗监管平台建设提供思路。
关键词:建筑能耗 监管平台 能耗数据
作者简介:李宝华, 本科, 助理工程师, Email:778378047@qq.com。
参考文献[1]GB 51161-2016, 民用建筑能耗标准[S].
[2]王佩.高校节能监管平台建设现状及未来的发展趋势[J].价值工程, 2013-5-25 (7) :7-8.
[3]屈利娟, 王立民, 陈伟.节约型校园能耗监管平台示范校建设调查研究-基于全国52所监管平台示范建设高校[D].浙江大学, 2015.
Energy Consumption Monitoring Platform for Management Needs
Li Baohua
(China Architecture Design Group)
Abstract: Due to the different functions of colleges and universities in the construction function, the age of completion, the number of faculty and students, geographical location, teaching and research, the management of colleges and universities is not the same. Therefore, the building of campus energy consumption regulatory platform should meet the basic functions of the platform On the basis of local conditions, overall planning, should be built. Taking Beijing University of Foreign Languages as an example. At present, universities are still using the traditional energy management mode, which requires a lot of manpower and financial resources, and it is difficult to manage. Through the various energy data collection and analysis of school buildings, building Energy Consumption Monitoring Platform ( platform for short) and illustrating the construction essentials and main contents of the energy consumption regulatory platform for the management needs.
Keywords: building energy consumption; regulatory platform; energy consumption data;
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