
摘要:在进行楼宇电气设计和实施时, 根据项目所在地不同, 所需遵循的美国国家标准协会ANSI与国际电工技术委员会IEC标准在许多方面是有区别的。本文即根据两种标准下电气系统设计的差异, 对接地故障保护设备及其工作原理在这两种标准中的差异进行了探讨。
关键词:美标 IEC 接地故障保护装置
作者简介:房彩娟, 研究生, 高级主任工程师, Email:fzisme@163.com。
参考文献[1]JGJ 16-2008民用建筑电气设计规范[S].北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2008.

[2]王厚余.低压电气装置的设计安装和检验 (第三版) [M].北京:中国电力出版社, 2012.

[3]Paul Rosenberg.Audel Guide to the 2011 National Electrical Code:All New Edition[M].Audel, 2011.

[4]Schneider Electric.Ground-fault Systems for MASTERPACTCircuit Breakers.

[5]Schneider Electric.Ground-Fault Interface Module with Current Sensor.

Electric System Design and Application of MDGF in Building Projects Following ANSI
Fang Caijuan
(Schneider Electric ( China) Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: When designing and implementing a building project, the design codes/standards which are mandatorily followed have some differences between ANSI and IEC in line with the location of the building. In this article, the different concept of electric system design and the various equipment being used against ground fault under ANSI VS IEC will be discussed.
Keywords: ANSI; IEC; MDGF;
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