
作者:张安睿 晁峰
单位:贵州省交通规划勘察设计研究院股份有限公司 中国建筑股份有限公司技术中心
基金:中建股份科技研发课题(CSCEC-2019-Z-17)。 -页码-:73-76
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Research on the Interaction of Joint Construction of Lower Tunnel Anchor and Multi-arch Tunnel
(Guizhou Transportation Planning Survey & Design Academe Co.,Ltd. Technical Center of CSCEC)
Abstract: The deformation and stress state of the surrounding rock in the overlapping area between the tunnel anchor and the double-arch tunnel are extremely complex, so it is of great significance to study their mutual influence. Taking Siping Tunnel and Kaizhou Lake Extra Large Bridge Kaiyangan Tunnel anchor construction sequence as the research object, the numerical analysis method is used to study the excavation sequence of tunnels and tunnel anchors. Research indicates that under the two different construction sequence, the deformation of surrounding rock is not different, both of them are safe range. The plastic zone between the double-arch tunnel and the tunnel anchor did not penetrate, and the excavation did not cause further damage to the surrounding rock. According to the settlement monitoring and blasting vibration monitoring of tunnel and tunnel anchor, the mutual construction influence is within the controllable range, and the blasting vibration influence can be ignored.
Keywords: tunnels; tunnel anchor; multi-arch tunnel; joint construction; construction sequence; settlement; monitoring
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