
作者:敬瑞龙 付光辉
单位:江苏省规划设计集团有限公司 南京工业大学经济与管理学院
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Research on Performance Evaluation of Construction Drawing Review System:Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model Based on Improved BSC and Combined Weighting
JING Ruilong FU Guanghui
(Jiangsu Planning and Design Group Co.,Ltd School of Economics & Management,Nanjing Tech University)
Abstract: Aiming at the complex problems of operation management,performance evaluation and performance improvement of construction drawing review system,this paper proposes a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on the improved BSC(Balanced scorecard)and combinatorial weights based on the key influencing factors,and attempts to evaluate the operation performance of construction drawing review system quantitatively. Firstly,based on the BSC framework,the key influencing factors were integrated to construct the operational performance strategy connotation of the “five-dimension” system,and the index system containing 5 criteria and 24 indicators was established. Secondly,the index system is weighted by AHP+ entropy weight method,and the evaluation model is established by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Finally,the paper makes an empirical evaluation of the operating performance of construction drawing review system in Jiangbei New District of Nanjing and puts forward optimization countermeasures. The practice shows that the evaluation model has strong applicability and operability,and can be used as a basic tool to guide the system reform and improve the performance management.
Keywords: industry development; construction drawing review; performance evaluation; balanced scorecard; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;
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