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Research on Engineering Claim Management from the Perspective of Contractors
YAO Xuelian
(Beijing North Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd)
Abstract: Engineering claims are a common phenomenon in the construction market. This article analyzes the basic situation and causes of engineering claims from the perspective of contractors;Based on the demonstration text of the construction contract for construction projects,the common interference events that can easily trigger engineering claims in the contract terms and names were correspondingly sorted out,and the relevant opportunities and nodes of engineering contractor engineering claims were summarized and retrieved.At the same time,the basic conditions for establishing engineering claims were discussed,and the key points of engineering claim management from the contractor's perspective were discussed,including principles and methods of claims,and claim processing procedures,The content and calculation of engineering claims were explained,in order to provide reference for relevant industries to carry out engineering claims.
Keywords: enterprise operation and management; the contractor; claim management; engineering claim
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