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Review on influence of fossil fuel vehicle exhaust on air conditioning systems of fuel cell vehicles
Liu Kaiyuan Wang Chenhua Liu Junjie
(Tianjin Key Lab of Indoor Air Environmental Quality Control, Tianjin University)
Abstract: Fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen energy to provide power for the whole vehicle, in which the energy consumption of the air conditioning system can account for 33% of the total energy consumption of the vehicle. The exhaust gas of fossil fuel vehicles will greatly affect the power supply performance of the fuel cell, resulting in the failure of the air conditioning system. This paper enumerates and analyses the exhaust gas components of fossil fuel vehicles, and summarizes the influence and mechanism of various components in the exhaust gas on proton exchange membrane fuel cells, the influence of battery performance damage on the air conditioning system, and several kinds of cathode filter devices for foreign pollutants. Different from the traditional automobile, the working condition of fuel cell vehicle air conditioning system is closely related to the external air quality.
Keywords: proton exchange membrane fuel cell; air conditioning system; vehicle exhaust; filter module; tolerance; corrosion;
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