
作者:李农 朱斌
摘要:从视频格式、灰度等级、帧频、同步、传输接口等方面, 对4K以上超清分辨率的视频在大型显示屏上的播放质量进行评价。重点对颜色编码方法 (YUV) 的定义, 灰度处理能力的选择, 帧率为60Hz的必要性, 无缝同步播放对帧时间差的容忍度等技术指标进行了阐述。
关键词:超高清视频 颜色编码方法 帧频 同步
作者简介:李农 高级工程师, 现就职于南京洛普股份有限公司, 从事LED显示屏产品的研发工作。;
参考文献[1]瓦岗萨斯.数字图像处理[M].北京:电子工业出版社, 2007.8.

[2] 桃树仙.播放高清视频时画面撕裂问题的解决及其原因分析[EB/OL].百度文库, 2013-7-25.
Quality Evaluation Key Points for Ultra HD Video Used on the Large LED Displays
Li Nong Zhu Bin
Abstract: Through introducing the quality evaluation of the ultra HD video with a resolution of over 4 K that displayed on the large LED displays, and making an evaluation in the terms of video format, gray scale, frame rate, synchronization, and transmission interface and so on. Especially making a detailed description on the definition of video encoding method YUV, the choice of gray scale processing capacity, the necessity of the frame rate of 60 Hz, the tolerance of the frame time difference on seamless synchronization and other technical indicators.
Keywords: ultra HD video; YUV; frame rate; synchronize;
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