
作者:骆卉 张晓利
摘要:通过介绍LED显示屏行业的发展情况及应用现状, 对LED显示屏在项目建设各阶段的相关工作做了详细描述, 指出应提高对建筑LED显示屏智能化的重视程度, 始终在设计、施工、运营等全生命周期的各环节与其他专业紧密配合, 推动建筑智能专业LED显示屏的发展。
关键词:LED显示屏发展 应用现状 芯片及封装 效率 抗静电能力
作者简介:作者简介: 骆卉 现担任卓展工程顾问 (北京) 有限公司弱电专业负责人, 2006年毕业于北京联合大学自动化学院电气工程与自动化专业。; 张晓利 现担任卓展工程顾问 (北京) 有限公司技术总监, 1984年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学。;
Analysis of the Application on LED Display in Construction
Luo Hui Zhang Xiaoli
Abstract: Through introducing the development situation of LED display industry and its application status, and giving a detailed description of the related work of the LED display in the project construction. It is pointed out that we should raise the attention of intelligent building LED display, and always cooperate with other majors in design, construction, operation, etc, to promote the development of the intelligent professional LED display.
Keywords: LED display development; application status; chip and package; efficiency; anti-static ability;
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