
作者:李颜颐 李玉幸 刘芳 张晓彤 翁宇 狄彦强
单位:中国建筑技术集团有限公司 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司
摘要:本文针对某个具体项目, 总结了在设计地源热泵项目时在配电及智能控制策略方面应注意的问题及解决方法, 对地源热泵系统和常规电制冷、燃气锅炉制热、燃气锅炉制生活热水系统在经济性方面进行了对比, 根据具体项目的计算分析得出了地源热泵系统在建筑中的节能效果。
关键词:地源热泵 配电 控制策略 经济性
作者简介: 李颜颐, 本科, 所总工, 高级工程师, E-mail:lyyhouzi@126.com。
基金: “国家重点研发计划项目 (编号:2016YFC0700700) ”资助;
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Application and Economic Analysis of Ground Source Heat Pumps System in Construction
Li Yanyi Li Yuxing Liu Fang Zhang Xiaotong Weng Yu Di Yanqiang
(China Building Technique Group Co., Ltd. China Academy of Building Research)
Abstract: This paper summarizes the problems and solutions in the power distribution and intelligent control strategy when designing the source heat pump project. In this paper, the comparison between the ground source heat pump system and the conventional electric refrigeration, gas boiler heating system and gas boiler domestic hot water system is carried out. Based on the calculation and analysis of specific projects, the energy saving effect of the source heat pump system is obtained.
Keywords: ground source heat pumps; power distribution; control strategy; economical;
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